There are a number of initiatives, large and small, that are underway, some of which have been developed with extensive public involvement, through various outreach methods. They give us a broad view of the valley and capital city now, and how we can work to improve our communities in the years to come. Below is a sample of a few of those surveys. Keep checking back, as more will be added later.

City of Hartford POCD
Over the summer of 2019, the City of Hartford Plan 2035 collected feedback from a wide array of respondents via a 25-question survey about different aspects of city life. 905 people responded with detailed feedback about transportation, arts and culture, economic development, environmental sustainability, and livability.

View results of that survey here.

Greater Hartford Community Wellbeing Index 2019, Data Haven

The Greater Hartford Community Wellbeing Index is the first comprehensive community indicators program for Greater Hartford, covering individual cities and neighborhoods throughout the area. The Index is a core community indicators program of DataHaven, produced with support from public and private partners throughout the region. It serves as a collaborative Community Health Needs Assessment for the towns served by many hospitals throughout the Greater Hartford area.

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CT Data Collaborative

The Hartford Data Collaborative will be a shared data infrastructure that facilitates data sharing, integration, and analysis to optimize services and outcomes for Hartford residents, with emphasis on older youth/emerging adults (14 to 29 year-olds) at this time. We have a vision that Hartford will become a community where real-time, integrated, client-level data is accessible for regular analysis in support of improved services, operations, policies, and outcomes.

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Greater Hartford Arts Landscape Study 2019

The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving and the Connecticut Office of the Arts wanted an objective baseline on the state of the arts as key supporters of the Greater Hartford region ecosystem. They also hoped that the information would elevate the arts to a wider community of stakeholders. The research process engaged a significant portion of the region’s arts ecosystem, through multiple outreach methods. What emerged from the inquiry was a picture of an arts ecosystem populated by a passionate set of creative individuals, committed to serving audiences and bringing great arts experiences to the region. 

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